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Because our species survived and became what we are only due to the development of collective, cooperative in deeply connected societies with high levels of trust and empathy. Because the principles of mutuality, the understanding that what is good for the group is good for each member, is the most dominant part of our primordial culture. Because helping and taking care of each other, collective child rearing, and food-sharing with kin and non-kin alike, were the evolutionary advantages which enabled us, the slow and weak but intelligent apes whose offspring need at least 10 years to become self reliant, to become what we are, to survive, and to thrive. Because it is private property, greed, coercion, and focus on individualist egoism which is alien to the Homo Sapien Sapien species, implemented merely 6 to 10k yeas ago, roughly 0.024% of the 250,000 years we have been on Earth. Because we naturally avoid isolation, detest inequality, and abhor intra-species violence.


Because egalitarianism has not only sustainably existed through out history, but is the primary social organisation enjoyed by our species, in scales small and large. From the first cities at the beginning of sedentism to native American societies to Asian and African indigenous cultures, consensus based direct democracy works everywhere continually, until propertarian empires destroy them with violence. War, systematic, large scale violence conducted by a professional solider class, did not exist prior to 6k years ago, with the advent of hierarchies based on ownership and wealth – neither did sexism, subjugation, or slavery.


Because USSR, PRC, Cuba, DPRK, etc., liberated entire populations from oppressive and brutal feudal and monarchic structures, made giant strides in every front from conditions of devastation, poverty, and under-development. In merely 20 to 30 years, all socialist states doubled life-expectancy, eliminated illiteracy, drastically alleviated poverty, provided free or nearly free housing, education, and healthcare, and achieved myriads of amazing medical and technological advances. USSR was 100 years behind the colonial/capitalist countries which industrialised from the spoils of genocide, slavery, and exploitation, but won the space race 40 years later, in almost every category.


Because in many crucial ways, even while under constant siege and immense pressures such as crippling economic sanctions and international law which criminalised other countries from trading with them, life under 20th century socialist states were preferable to life under capitalism: gender equality, economic equality, work security, free housing, free health care, free education, low crime levels, low stress levels, community cohesion, etc. These states, even with certain mistakes (revolutionaries are humans, and under extreme duress), are testament to the possibility and vast advantages of societal shift away from propertarianism and capitalism.


Because recently declassified CIA documents reveal that in all of USSR history, less people were sent to gulags than the USA incarcerates in 1 or 2 years. Because Joseph Stalin tried to resign 4 times, and died with only a few personal items in his possession. Because every anti-communist myth from the purges to the Kulaks to the “Holodomor” to the great Chinese famine have been debunked, shown to be largely wild exaggerations, distortions, and fabrications. Because it was the ceaseless, unremitting, and overwhelming capitalist military, economic, and political violence made leftist authority and revolutionary repression very much necessary, against those who want to bring back monarchy, property and privilege, and slavery; against those who would sabotage and destroy these movements toward peace and equality if given half a chance. Because revolutionary violence can only ever be a microscopic fraction of the structural violence of propertarian states that it seeks to end.


Because in even the capitalist countries, universal suffrage, the 8 instead of 12 hour work day, women's rights, civil rights, children's rights, and many progressive reforms, which were all dismissed as absolute impossibilities, as absurd utopian dreams, became reality due to the struggle of socialists. Because after long and hard battles from the left, against every method of repression, these progresses were successfully implemented, and are accepted as normal fixtures of life today.


Because in even the capitalist countries, already there are today many movements, on many different fronts, toward sharing economies, cooperative ways of doing things: from the rise of a global commons of shared knowledge to minimum income getting closer to reality. These things are happening in the context of the old property relations, and can be construed as a new form of fragmented capitalism. But they can also, at the same time, be seen as small movements toward egalitarianism, the kind we humans are indeed quite used to prior to the advent of private property merely 300 generations ago.


Because private property (that which generates profit), the absurdity of which every child understands, and capitalism, an inhuman and inhumane system which dehumanizes us and robs us of both autonomy and community, can not sustain. With 8 people owning half of the world's wealth, extreme global inequality drastically increasing, financial crisis ever greater, boom and bust cycles ever more extreme, capitalism has already past its tipping point and will soon collapse. Because with stresses on the environment from the waste, over-production, and over-consumption of the profit-driven model already starting to cause climate catastrophes, the choice we have, at this crucial point in time, is either socialism or annihilation.



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