A new strategy of 21st Century communists toward concrete decolonisation and global socialism
Today there are many movements, on many different fronts, toward sharing economies, cooperative ways of doing things: from the rise of a global commons of shared knowledge to indigenous land reclamation to large scale socialist development of the poorer and poorest regions on Earth. But most importantly, today there are posibilities of connections between these movements happening in different places and on different scales. The Belt and Road Initiative is the epic undertaking of the Communist Party of China to assist in the growing of independent economic strength of 3rd World nations, through mutually beneficial relationships and large scale infrastructure building. development, infrastructure, mutualism, futurism, socialism, communism, leftism, politics, radical, revolutionary
- Win-win
- mutualism
- futurism
- decolonisation
The word “hope” is almost meaningless to most leftists living in decaying capitalism, after the word has been so misused, so abused, to deceive and to sell a fraudulent “free market” neo-liberalism that has been quite efficient in concentrating wealth, and brought nothing but hopelessness for the vast majority: poverty, loss of dignity, and despair. But hope for humanity not only exists, but is currently materialising before our eyes. The timeline on the design is only slightly exaggerated, and may not be wholly accurate as predictions of the future rarely are, but none the less trace very real existing trends in the world today. In the past 10 years alone high speed rail has covered an entire continent, drastically reducing highly polluting air travel. On this continent deserts are receding, forests are advancing, and model cities for the future with all clean and renewable energy sources have been built. The innovations and advances toward a better tomorrow are too many to list here, but the solution to literally all of the grave problems faced by humanity are not only visible, but currently being implemented. The solution to destructive capitalist growth is not “de-growth”, it is socialist growth.
A new strategy of 21st Century communists toward concrete decolonisation and global socialism
Today there are many movements, on many different fronts, toward sharing economies, cooperative ways of doing things: from the rise of a global commons of shared knowledge to indigenous land reclamation to large scale socialist development of the poorer and poorest regions on Earth. But most importantly, today there are posibilities of connections between these movements happening in different places and on different scales. The Belt and Road Initiative is the epic undertaking of the Communist Party of China to assist in the growing of independent economic strength of 3rd World nations, through mutually beneficial relationships and large scale infrastructure building. development, infrastructure, mutualism, futurism, socialism, communism, leftism, politics, radical, revolutionary
- Win-win
- mutualism
- futurism
- decolonisation
The word “hope” is almost meaningless to most leftists living in decaying capitalism, after the word has been so misused, so abused, to deceive and to sell a fraudulent “free market” neo-liberalism that has been quite efficient in concentrating wealth, and brought nothing but hopelessness for the vast majority: poverty, loss of dignity, and despair. But hope for humanity not only exists, but is currently materialising before our eyes. The timeline on the design is only slightly exaggerated, and may not be wholly accurate as predictions of the future rarely are, but none the less trace very real existing trends in the world today. In the past 10 years alone high speed rail has covered an entire continent, drastically reducing highly polluting air travel. On this continent deserts are receding, forests are advancing, and model cities for the future with all clean and renewable energy sources have been built. The innovations and advances toward a better tomorrow are too many to list here, but the solution to literally all of the grave problems faced by humanity are not only visible, but currently being implemented. The solution to destructive capitalist growth is not “de-growth”, it is socialist growth.
A new strategy of 21st Century communists toward concrete decolonisation and global socialism
Today there are many movements, on many different fronts, toward sharing economies, cooperative ways of doing things: from the rise of a global commons of shared knowledge to indigenous land reclamation to large scale socialist development of the poorer and poorest regions on Earth. But most importantly, today there are posibilities of connections between these movements happening in different places and on different scales. The Belt and Road Initiative is the epic undertaking of the Communist Party of China to assist in the growing of independent economic strength of 3rd World nations, through mutually beneficial relationships and large scale infrastructure building. development, infrastructure, mutualism, futurism, socialism, communism, leftism, politics, radical, revolutionary
- Win-win
- mutualism
- futurism
- decolonisation
The word “hope” is almost meaningless to most leftists living in decaying capitalism, after the word has been so misused, so abused, to deceive and to sell a fraudulent “free market” neo-liberalism that has been quite efficient in concentrating wealth, and brought nothing but hopelessness for the vast majority: poverty, loss of dignity, and despair. But hope for humanity not only exists, but is currently materialising before our eyes. The timeline on the design is only slightly exaggerated, and may not be wholly accurate as predictions of the future rarely are, but none the less trace very real existing trends in the world today. In the past 10 years alone high speed rail has covered an entire continent, drastically reducing highly polluting air travel. On this continent deserts are receding, forests are advancing, and model cities for the future with all clean and renewable energy sources have been built. The innovations and advances toward a better tomorrow are too many to list here, but the solution to literally all of the grave problems faced by humanity are not only visible, but currently being implemented. The solution to destructive capitalist growth is not “de-growth”, it is socialist growth.